My Word for the Year

Photo of bright blue sky and two palm trees
Photo taken at the beach on New Year's Day 2024

Last week, I read a blog post written by writer and book coach Monica Cox. She wrote about picking a word for 2024, a word that is in sync with her goals for this year.

It got me thinking. I’ve never chosen a word for the year. Yet, as I was about to do my daily five-minute writing exercise, a word suddenly popped into my mind. A word that perfectly matches with my goals for the year — writing-related goals as well as life-related goals.

My word is Share

2024 is the year I will query agents, the first step in sharing my memoir-in-essays. 

An agent will then help my manuscript reach publication, which will allow my story of living with an invisible disability to be shared with readers. 

I am ready to share my story, ready to make the invisible visible.

And, there’s another way I hope to share this year. 

I am working on more openly sharing my feelings. Instead of biting my tongue and holding things in, I will try to honestly share what I’m really thinking and how I’m really feeling. 

My tendency to not always share is a result of my inclination to keep the peace, to not upset anyone. I keep so much inside, trying to pretend I’m feeling better than I am, trying my best to take care of those around me.

But, in 2024 I aim to share — my pain, my feelings, my story.

Dear Readers, do you select a word for the year? If you feel comfortable, you can “share” your word in the comments. Thank you!